Sunday, 5 February 2012

Lily Pad Hexagons...

Hello from not so sunny Scotland!  I haven't forgotten you all, it's just taken me longer than expected to get organised, and I also wanted to have something good to share.......  but first....

Scotland in the rain is lovely; I'm really enjoying my new job and I love my new home.  This is the view from my kitchen window -

and these were my moving in treat to myself...

I can see a loch from my bedroom window, but I'm not taking any pics until I can get out there when the sun is shining, and that has only happened so far while I've been at work.  Of course this time of year it's barely light when I go to work and nearly dark when I finish, so opportunities are few...

Now enough of the necessities of life and on to the good stuff!  I'm brimming over with new ideas at the moment, and I have lots of new projects on the go.  One of the first is a progression from the puffed daisy hexagon; I can hear the shouts of "ARE YOU NOT SICK OF BOBBLES YET?", and the answer is NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo.....  I wanted to see what another round of bobbles would look like behind the first row, and they look awfully good (imo!!).

And if you look from the side I think they look rather like lily pads......

Now I'm aware that my instructions for the puffed daisy hexagon has stumped some readers who are not quite as experienced in the crochet techniques required, so I have produced a photo-heavy tutorial below that I hope can be followed by all.  I use american crochet terminology, dk cotton and a 4mm hook.  Abbreviations - ch - chain; dc - double crochet; sl st - slip stitch; sts - stitches, tc - treble crochet.

Lily Pad Hexagons


Before you ask, no I haven't photographed them in sepia...  I can do subtle, natural tones!!!

Granny Bobble Blanket; just a note to say that I have edited the pattern; it just didn't lie flat in the middle, so I've taken the whole first row out, started again with a magic circle and worked the second row directly into that.  This works much better and finally lies flat!  Please accept my apologies anyone who has started this already and aleady found the problem; that will teach me for sharing too soon....

Finally thank you all for the most welcome comments and well wishes on my move; all most appreciated, thank you xxxxxxxx.  And a big welcome to my new followers - of which there are now over 100 so thank you again!!

I'll be back soon and in the meantime happy crocheting!!


  1. I love these lily pad motifs - very creative. :)

    1. thankes to Dr oniha, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr oniha's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, yoou can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email:

  2. It's so cute!
    Thank you so much to teach us!
    best wishes from Brazil :-)

  3. Beautifully done and written! I'll be trying these very soon! Love them all joined together...looks like a wonderful piece of work developing! Thanks for sharing!!!! Annette

  4. very nice lily pads! thank you for the tutorial!

  5. I love these lily pads! Thanks so much for the fab tutorial - I will definitely be referring back to this to give them a try :) Maggie xx

  6. This is gorgeous , I love flowers and love to crochet them too ...but this one is unique ....Love this pattern .....wonderful job .Thanks for the tutorial,sure I will make it.have a wonderful week and Happy Crocheting :) !

  7. ohhh!!! muy chulas,me encantan como te quedan,un besazo

  8. How beautiful, I've just Pinned them for future reference. I do like both versions of your hexagons the bright coloured ones and the natural tones. The photo tutorial is great, thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you thank you Karen for this very clear tutorial!! You are so sweet to share! I am with you, girl!! Not fed up of bobbles yet!! lol!
    I will pin them on my board for not so future reference!!
    Have the best week!!!

  10. These are beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial :)

  11. Hola Karen me encantan esas bellas flores y se adaptan a muchos trabajos, divinas estuve recorriendo tu blog y e visto trabajos preciosos me sumo a tus seguidores un beso Sandra.

  12. Hola karen he encontrado tu blogs por casualidad y me quedo en el ,me gusta lo que haces y tus tutoriales son geniales.Saludos

  13. Great,

    i like it.

    thats so cute!


  14. Hi Mrs Karen ....just to let you know that I have made the Lily Flower.Would you like to seeit...? :) Welcome !

  15. Linda a flor, obrigada por compartilhar. Bjs

  16. Divine flower!
    Thanks for the pattern!

    You live in a beautiful place ...

  17. Hi Everyone, thanks to you all for the lovely comments. For those who need help with a magic circle there are lots of wonderful tutorial videos on utube, this is only one link -

    And to Luna, thank you in particular; your words are truly kind, and I love your flower, and it was so kind that you wrote your post in English!! If others want to see Luna's great blog the link is -

  18. so cute!
    Thank you for the tutorial. I indicated it in my "best links of the week". :-)
    Debora (Brazil)

  19. Hi Karen - if you participate in blog awards, I have one for you on my blog. Have a good day. :)

  20. I simply love your lily pad motifs. Thank you for sharing them with us all. I've just 'found' your blog courtesy of Debi Y :)

  21. love the lily pads!

    I have an award for you over at my blog, if you would like to accept. If you don't participate in blog awards, that's fine, I just wanted to show you my appreciation for your blog.

  22. One of my greatest wishes is to see Scotland, Ireland and England. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of your new home...both inside and out :)

    I just LOVE these lily pad hexagons!!! Thanks so much for the tutorial. I must give them a go :)

  23. I have made them following your instructions.. They are beautiful. Many thanks for the tuto. Jewel

  24. Many thanks, I've just had a long break from crochet and have returned gobsmacked, your work is so inspiring,thanks for sharing so generously, appreciate it.

  25. Great Flower hexagon tutorial! Thank you so much! It's very lovely!

  26. What great tutorials you have on your blog! They are all so informative and I like the different colors for different rounds so you can follower easier! I found you on the blog hop and am your newest GFC follower! I'd love for you to stop by and visit my blog and perhaps follow back. Have a wonderful end of week!


  27. This is a great tutorial, i really enjoyed making your almondflower.
    I want to make the bag for my best friend!
    Thank you for this great pattern!

  28. wow, wonderful, I love it!!!
    thank you for the Tutorial


  29. What lovely motifs they are think I need to have a go thanks.

  30. this motif is soooo cute!!!! ask your permission to post and name you on my blog please .... thanks for being so nice and teach us !!!

    1. Hi Patty; thank you so much. And post the pattern with my pleasure; thanks for asking.

  31. You are amazing! Thank you so much for solving the mystery for me, I LOVE the lotus flower but I couldn't figure it out. Your tutorial is brilliant and now I'm off with the pattern practically memorized already!

  32. These are gorgeous! As all of your amazing patterns are. Hope you won't mind... Linking up at Tangled Happy tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing this! :)

  33. Wow, these are beautiful. Found your blog through Tangled Happy. Great tutorial. A must try.

  34. I love these! It would make such a beautiful vintage blanket. I also just foudn tour blog today and totally love it!

  35. Lovely crochet!!!
    Thanks for the instructions ...

    Happy crocheting *.*

  36. Well, I just discovered your blog by way of Ravelry and a pattern by Annas Kertje, who listed your blog as a fav. Yes, I love the bobbles. What you are working on is so beautiful and makes me smile -- and I need that badly right now. Maybe getting the supplies and working on some of these would help:) Thank you for this beauty.

  37. Those are beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial! I love the pin cushion in the background as well! Just found my way to your blog from another crochet site...and very glad I did! You have lovely things to look at! Hope you have a great day!

  38. So brilliant , lve these just made one myself , great tutorial thank you , just need to figure out what to do with them :) need to finish my granny stripe first though :)) thank you again !!!

  39. Thank you for the tutorial. Very, very nice.

  40. i have just discovered your blog . . . love the hexie AND you are living in scotlabd . . . yoo cool. sorry about no caps. i'm typing with a 75 pound dog who is scared of storms lying on my left hand . . . lolol

  41. I'm attempting to make this with the flower having a brown center,and the petals in golden yellow to look like a sunflower, and the lily pad color in a soft sage green. I hope it turns out even half as beautiful as yours. Thank you for sharing is gorgeous. I plan to sell this one in an auction to raise money for childhood leukemia.


  43. I found your post from 's blog. I love these. They are so cute! I pinned them to my pinterest "crochet" list of things I want to try.

  44. I absolutely love this tutorial, the pictures really help me grasp how to make these beautiful flowers! I can't wait to give it a try! Thank you for such a wonderful post!

  45. I really love this. Thank you!

  46. Hola y gracias por el tutorial. Me encanta la flor¡¡¡.

  47. I can't see where you indicate what type of yarn and hook size to use. I love this project and would like to give it a go. Please advise.

    1. It says above - "Now I'm aware that my instructions for the puffed daisy hexagon has stumped some readers who are not quite as experienced in the crochet techniques required, so I have produced a photo-heavy tutorial below that I hope can be followed by all. I use american crochet terminology, dk cotton and a 4mm hook. Abbreviations - ch - chain; dc - double crochet; sl st - slip stitch; sts - stitches, tc - treble crochet."

  48. Hi Karen I love the Daisy Hexagon you used on purse. I like yo know is this American Terms?

    Hugs Joan,

  49. I LOVE this hexagon pattern! I'm working on a hexagon blanket right now, but I am adding your adorable purse to my project list. Thank you so much for generously sharing the pattern with us!

  50. Divine flower!
    Thanks for the pattern!

    Simone Bitar

  51. Very pretty!! I will be making several, I'm SURE; but most immediately, one will be adorning a plastic bag holder I'm presently making for Dear Daughter's new house! I will post it when I'm done with it, so thank you in advance for sharing your pattern!.. Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day weekend! ~tina

  52. Thanks for a lovely lily tutorial!

  53. Gorgeous, thanks for this pattern.

  54. Really great instructions! I'm making your Almond Blossom Bag...only 11 more lily pads to go! Thanks :)

  55. j'adore :) Merci pour les explications, c'est très très sympas comme point

  56. que c' est beau !! tu as des doigts de fée vraiment je me suis inscrite a ta newsletter a bientôt sur mon blog biz

  57. Your work is beautiful. I'm trying to increase my skill level and want to give these a try as well have been joining some new crochet groups to be more active and learn. Thank you for this!

  58. Muito obrigada por ensinar sua técnica, seus trabalhos são maravilhosos um forte abraço do Brasil.

  59. Thank you for the tutorial Its, very beautiful. congratulations

  60. Grazie mille per questa meraviglia!!!
    Sei bravissima!!
    Un fresco saluto dalla svizzera!

  61. Hola me enamore de su blog y como leí que si alguien esta interesado dejemos el correo que mandaría el PAP /o el gráfico y la verdad que me seria de mucha utilidad ya que estoy buscando una salida a mi situación y me ayudaría no sabe cuanto si me podría mandar algunos de los gráficos ,desde ya un millón de gracias mi correo mis cariños

  62. Thanks for tutorial , it is great :) I made some flowers and put them on my sweater :) you can see it on my blog :)

  63. Luv this. Can't wait to start a project with it. Thank you for sharing =)

  64. So lovely!!! Thank you very much for sharing : I also added your page to my Facebook profile, I like it very much! Bye for now, :-)

  65. I do thank you for this amazing and beautifull work so simply and claearly explained! I feel I will have no difficulty making these roses!

  66. I do thank you for this amazing and beautifull work so simply and claearly explained! I feel I will have no difficulty making these roses!

  67. Siempre me ha gustado esta bolsa.Esta vez me atreveré a hacerla.Mil gracias por el PAP<3

  68. I adore the look of this and you make it look so easy I think I will even try it! Thanks!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. could you set up a way so that we can just print the pattern without all the comments or the introduction? Like both but takes a LOT of paper to print off the pattern.

  71. Your patterns are absolutely beautiful! I'm so obsessed with bubbly patterns. Thank you for making the tutorial for all of us to follow.

  72. ^-^ I just saw this pin on pinterest and after repinning it (of course! :)) had to come take a look at the rest! :) What a wonderful tutorial! Thank you for this! I love your use of color here as well - so cozy and inviting! :) ♥ Dawn

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Hello Lily, what is the composition of the yarn you used to make that hexagons?
    Please answer me by email:
    Thank you in advance!
    Kisses Kisses, Luciana!
    (if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry, I'm using Google translator because I speak Portuguese)

  75. This is a lovely tutorial! I'm the editor of and I know my readers would just love this pattern. Let me know if I can link to your tutorial with full credit to you and we can get started. Email me with any questions!

    Nicola Trumbull, Editor
    ntrumbull (at) primecp (dot) com
    Prime Publishing LLC
    3400 Dundee Road
    Northbrook, IL 60062

  76. So pretty! I love the detailed tutorial, and the hexagons are so cute! Thank you for sharing. ;)

    -~- Cogaroo -~-

  77. Love your tutorial, you are the most helpful person when it comes to pretty crochet patterns :)

  78. Obrigada por explicar tão bem. Apesar dos termos do crochê serem diferentes no inglês mas está perfeitamente compreensível. Parabéns e mais uma vez obrigada. (BRASIL)

  79. Gracias por las explicaciones tan claras, yo no hablo inglés pero me quedó muy lindo!!!!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. thank you for share this pattern.
    I already make some brooch from this pattern.

  82. Спасибо за наглядный урок! Все понятно даже без описания!!!

  83. I loved your flower!!! beautiful!!! Miss your country, I was there many years ago and loved it!!!!! Wanna comeback someday!!!! Kisses fom Argentina!!!

  84. Hi Karen, Wonderful tutorial. Thanks so much! And nice to meet you!

  85. Hi Karen and thank you for this lovely tutorial!~ Happy New Year :D I found this pattern via , and paid with a tweet :)

  86. Thank you sooooo much for this fabulous tutorial! :)

  87. Hai Karen!Just made this bag from your tutorial ,wanna show you the pic of my bag,where can i post it?

  88. Thank you for this pattern. We are building a house and I am going to have a white marble floor in the bathroom. I am making these and putting a back on them. Then stuffing them with fiber fill. Sewing them all together and having a nice beautiful soft rug, for when we get out of the shower. Thank you again. These are so pretty

  89. the flower with beautiful color. awesome

    Jasa seo

  90. Can u please put back the pattern for lilly pads? I cant find it :D

  91. PSICrochet won't let me see anything unless I pay to subscribe to the site :( It's a shame, because you have some beautiful patterns up there.

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  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Hajar Jahanam adalah salah satu best obat atasi ejakulasi dini

  95. Beautifull! I can't wait to start this!

  96. Simple is the best! keep up the good work!!! Hai Karen!Just made this bag from your tutorial ,wanna show you the pic of my bag,where can i post it?
    bengkel mobil terbaik jakarta

  97. Simple is the best! keep up the good work!!! Hai Karen!Just made this bag from your tutorial ,wanna show you the pic of my bag,where can i post it?
    bengkel mobil terbaik jakarta

  98. Hi dear, I am trying to access the tutorial of the lily pad one but I couldent I remember I tried this years ago then I lost the page then when I see my flower I missed doing it. I searched alot till at last I found your website, please help .. thank you ��

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